Wednesday, October 17, 2012

1961 West Side Story

1961 West Side Story

Your good old fashioned dance rumble.

Oh boy.  What can I say?  As a musical theater fan, and acknowledging that this is a  This movie is one of the silliest things I have ever seen.  How oh how did it win an Oscar?  It's not just me asking this -whenever I mention it to someone they express shock that it won.

It was a trial to sit through.

The opening scene says it all.  First, the stupid overhead shots of the city.  Did they have a bunch of aerial stock footage lying around?  And then...THEN...the snapping.  Why?  Just why?

And then it gets worse.  The dancing.  Not just BASKETBALL, dance RUMBLING.  And this is the goofiest dancing I have ever seen in a musical in my life, and I have seen many.  I am supposed to buy that these men are tough gangsters whilst they twirl and pirouette and soar through the air like graceful swans?  I thought it was a joke it was so hysterical.  And it just keeps going, for like 20 minutes.  They're not even singing while dancing.  Just dancing like idiots.
Dance basketball.

I had to show it to Tyler because I couldn't express the silliness in words.  There's an ok story in there (basically Romeo & Juliet), but you don't get much of it because they spend most of the 3 hour long movie dancing, interspersed with some uninspiring songs (America is catchy, but that's about it).  This movie could have been cut in half and still fit in all the plot necessary.

My pick for the Oscar: Breakfast at Tiffany's

West Side Story is my pick for Silliest Oscar Winner Ever.

Scroll down to see Amelia perform America, Tonight, and Maria (Not sure why she opted to remove her sleeve halfway through Maria -an acting choice?)

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