Monday, July 8, 2013

Juarez (1939)

Juarez (1939)

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Carlotta and Maximilian and the real Carlotta and Maximilian I of Mexico.

Empress Carlotta von Hapsburg: More than an empire is in danger.  My husband's life.  And knowing this, you could abandon him?  Answer me, sire!
Emperor Louis Napoleon III: Regardless of my personal sentiments, I am, as you see, Madame, in the hands of my ministers.
Empress Carlotta von Hapsburg: In the hands of your ministers!  Was it you or your ministers who conceived the plan to mask your infamies behind my husband's noble name?  Who tricked him into accepting the throne by means of a pretended plebiscite?  Who assured him of French troops and French funds until the day that the Empire of Mexico could take her place among other nations?  Answer me, sire!
Empress Eugenie: Carlotta, please...
Empress Carlotta von Hapsburg: What are the names of your ministers which are affixed to the Treaty of Miramar?  Did your ministers sign this letter: "I urge you to count upon my everlasting friendship.  You may rest assured that my support will not fail you in the accomplishment which you are so courageously undertaking."  Answer me, sire!
Emperor Louis Napoleon III: It is useless, Madame.  Not another franc.  Not another man.  We are through with Mexico.
Empress Carlotta von Hapsburg: What else might a Hapsburg have expected from the word of a bourgeois Bonaparte?  You charlatan!  But you will not dare let him die!  I will denounce you in every court in Europe for what you will be: A murderer! A murderer!

Benito Juarez: You see, Porfirio, when a monarch misrules, he changes the people, but when a presidente misrules, the people change him. 

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Paul Muni as Juarez and the real Benito Juarez.

After reading that Emperor Franz Josef of Austria's younger brother, Maximilian, was made King of Mexico, I set out to find a movie about it, and this was the one I found.

It had everything in its favor.  The story is fascinating: Napoleon III of France sets the Archduke Maximilian up as Maximilian I of Mexico, displacing its popular president, Benito Juarez (Paul Muni).  But Juarez and his men don't intend to take it lying down, and Maximilian is eventually deposed and killed after Napoleon III withdraws his support.  Bette Davis, who is such a great actress, plays Maximilian's beautiful wife, Carlotta, the tragic Queen of Mexico who goes mad after failing to convince Napoleon III (and his wife, Empress Eugenie) to send military support to help her husband.

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Eugenie and Napoleon and the real Empress Eugenie and Napoleon III of France.

Unfortunately, it was very boring.  The screenplay contains a lot of long-winded speeches, much like the newly released Lincoln movie (coincidentally, Juarez idolized Lincoln to the point of dressing like him).  There's a lot of talking and idealizing, and not enough action.  Maybe someday a better movie will be made -it's a story that could be really great on the big screen if done right.

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