Thursday, December 6, 2012

2009 The Hurt Locker

2009 The Hurt Locker

"You love playing with that.  You love playing with all your stuffed animals.  You love your Mommy, your Daddy.  You love your pajamas.  You love everything, don't ya?  Yea.  But you know what, buddy?  As you get older, some of the things you love might not seem so special anymore.  Like your Jack-in-a-Box.  Maybe you'll realize it's just a piece of tin and a stuffed animal.  And the older you get, the fewer things you really love.  And by the time you get to my age, maybe it's only one or two things.  With me, I think it's one."

My judgment of a war film tends to be based on Tyler’s reaction (aside from Platoon -I hated that all by myself).  If it evokes a strong reaction from him, and he says that it is extremely accurate, I appreciate it.  Saving Private Ryan is the movie he speaks most highly of in this sense.  The Hurt Locker didn't seem to move him, so that kills it for me.  If Saving Private Ryan didn't win, then this certainly doesn't rate the award.

It is about Sergeant First Class William James, who is part of an Army Explosive Ordinance Disposal unit.  There are some very tense scenes of him going in to deactivate bombs (no more tense than in The English Patient), and I do appreciate getting to see a perspective of army life in Iraq, not to mention seeing how returning home to civilian life effects James; however, if it doesn't make a huge impression on Tyler, no Oscar.  He's my war film guru.

I am relieved Avatar didn't win.  Titanic's success was overblown because of special effects, but this took it to the next level.  Without the hype, it was an okay movie.  A definite Ferngully knockoff with video game graphics, but okay.  The amount of attention it got is ridiculous.  It was all based on the effects.  The pro-environment, anti-military message is so in your face obvious it becomes cliche and ridiculous.  I mean, really...unobtainium?  Wow.

None of the nominees were really great -a famine year.

Oh, except Star Trek!  Not a nominee, but I loved the refabbed Star Trek.  The cast was spot on at recreating the original crew.  It was exciting, funny, gritty.  Loved it.  But the Academy is not full of sci fi buffs -that became clear back when Star Wars didn't win.

Christopher Pike: If you're half the man your father was, Jim, Starfleet could use you.  You could be an officer in four years.  You could have your own ship in eight.  You understand what the Federation is, don't you?  It's important.  It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...
James T. Kirk: Are we done?
Christopher Pike: I'm done.  Riverside Shipyard.   Shuttle for new recruits leaves tomorrow morning, 0800.  Now, your father was captain of a Starship for 12 minutes.  He saved 800 lives, including your mother's and yours.  I dare you to do better.

-Star Trek

1 comment:

  1. Its not that I disliked the hurt locker, I just thought that the realism was feast or famine. Scenes they got right were fantastic, but I felt scenes they got wrong were so Hollywoody they detracted from the rest of the movie.
