Thursday, February 21, 2013

2012 Animated Shorts: Adam and Dog, Fresh Guacamole, Head Over Heels, Paperman, and Maggie Simpson in "The Longest Daycare"

2012 Animated Shorts: Adam and Dog, Fresh Guacamole, Head Over Heels, Paperman, and Maggie Simpson in "The Longest Daycare"

I did not love the animated shorts.  They are all entirely bereft of dialogue.  I just wanted someone to speak -at least in one of them!  Oh well, we do get to hear the dog bark in Adam and Dog I believe, so that's something.

 photo AnimatedShorts_zpsd3ab759d.jpgAdam and Dog

The story of Adam and Eve, but from the perspective of a dog that befriends Adam.  The pooch remains loyal even when Adam and Eve are expelled from the Garden of Eden.  Kind of cute, but it gets a little tiring watching a dog prance around for 15 minutes without anyone speaking.

Fresh Guacamole

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It was less than 2 minutes, and that was probably 2 minutes too long.  Okay, that's cruel.  It shows someone making guacamole out of household items (ex. poker chips are the chips). Nothing really to it.  It's like an animated pun.

Head over Heels

 photo AnimatedShorts3_zpse4b6bca3.jpgA husband and wife live in a floating house, with one living on the ceiling and one on the floor.  The house crashes on land, and the husband is on the ceiling, so he can't walk on land, and is therefore stuck in the house.  He had fixed up the wife's old ballet shoes as a surprise before they crashed, and she is pleased, so she ties him to a string so that he can walk on the floor with her.  Pretty forgettable.  Apparently it's a metaphor for a marriage with distance between the spouses and them finding a way to come back together.  I get it, it just wasn't my cup of tea.


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Probably the one that should win.  It's basically a romance -a man and a woman meet briefly, and the man is clearly smitten.  He spots her in the building across the way, and tries to get a paper airplane through her window to get her attention, but fails...or so he thinks.  The paper airplanes guide them together for a cute ending.

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Maggie Simpson in "The Longest Daycare"

Maggie goes to a terrible daycare, with a wicked little tot that squishes butterflies, and she must help a butterfly escape.  4 minutes long, with about a minute spent on a tense escape from the wicked insect-crusher.  Kind of cute, but it hardly screams Oscar.

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